Skin Screening
If you need something checked on your skin, we have a half-day clinic running on every month where you can have a skin exam from our NP and on-site treatments for minor concerns from our RPN. You can also be referred for a biopsy or to a specialist if needed. Call us for an appointment
Hearing Screening
Sign up for a hearing screening with Jody from the Canadian Hearing Society. We are holding these clinics every three months, so please call reception or ask your provider about signing up for a free screening.
Caregiver Support – Caring for the Caregiver
Are you the caregiver for a patient of our clinic, or a family member?
This comprehensive program is open to the public. It will be hosted by a number of our clinic’s providers including Social Worker, Dietitian, NP, and local organizations.
Learn about:
- The Role of the Caregiver
- Self-Care
- Accessing Community Resources
- Dealing with Grief and Loss
- How to Prepare and Talk with the Medical Community
- Meal Planning
- Emergency Planning
- Financial and Legal Considerations
Please call our clinic at 807-475-9595 to register for a spot in this six-week program (1.5 hours per week)
Memory Screening Clinic
How is your memory? Come in for a free screening!
We hope to see: anyone 75 years or older, or anyone 65-74 with: diabetes, heart disease, a previous heart attack or stroke, high blood pressure, a history of smoking, high cholesterol, atrial fibrillation, obesity, a family history of heart attack or stroke before the age of 60
Call the clinic at 807-475-9595 and inform reception that you are interested in this program.
During the spring, we are reserving appointment times for PAP tests for cervical cancer screening for anyone in Thunder Bay who requires one.
Partnering with the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, this program is offered to keep everyone up to date on cervical cancer screenings.
Call our clinic at 807-475-9595 to reserve a spot